HAVE YOU BEEN IN A CAR ACCIDENT OR HAD A RECENT INJURY TO YOUR NECK? Q: Do you have the classic Whiplash symptoms of:Q: Is your pain not noticeably improving? Q: Are MRI and X-rays negative, but you feel real pain? Q: Are you still in pain with your current medical treatment? A: If, you answered YES to some of these questions, you may need further investigation of your injury. Allow us to introduce you to an advanced technology called:
- Headache?
- Neck Pain?
- Shoulder Pain?
- Dizziness?
Digital Motion X-Ray or DMX
DMX is a diagnostic study that evaluates your neck in motion. DMX can show abnormal motion of your neck bones. Abnormal motion can signify injury to the ligaments and soft tissue structures in your neck. Your doctor can use DMX information to objectively document your injury. This diagnostic DMX information can help your Doctor formulate a more effective treatment plan. DMX has discovered some potentially life threatening upper cervical spine Injuries that have needed surgical intervention. These findings were not noted on non Motion exams such as MRI, CT and X-ray plain film. Insurance companies base treatment and compensation on evidence of injury. DMX can help your insurance company to understand the extent of your injuries based on objective scientific testing interpreted by board certified medical doctors.
So remember, if you know you have an injury but no testing has shown it so far, you may not be imagining it. Ask for the X-ray with Motion…
DMX, the test that provides visual proof of many common soft tissue neck injuries! You or your doctor can call us to find out more information: Call (781) 431-1070 If you do not have a doctor, we can refer you to one in your area who uses DMX. Do you have Neck Pain with Motion? You need the X-ray with Motion! It just makes sense! Take charge of your treatment! INSIST ON DMX!