Shows abnormal articulation of vertebral
bodies, facets and other spinal elements
Shows normal or abnormal initiation of cervical motion
Shows hypermobility, hypomobility or restriction
The Newest Technological Advance for
Diagnosing Soft Tissue and Ligament Injuries
that MRI, CT Scan & X-ray may not demonstrate.
Digital Motion X-Ray (DMX)
With Digital Motion X-Ray technology and True View Diagnostics:
Can now see and show the cause of headaches, neck
or shoulder pains from whiplash to justify & determine
treatment plans based on objective medical findings.
Can now demonstrate and show objective findings of soft
tissue neck injuries for Car Accident and Workman's
Compensation clients, helping them receive appropriate
settlements for injuries so they can afford the medical
treatment they deserve.
Can now demonstrate suspected fraudulent claims by
showing there is minimal or no soft tissue injuries to the
neck, saving insurance dollars.
Can now get the correct diagnosis to insure an appropriate
treatment plan for a faster recovery time and reduce chronic
long term symptoms and degenerative changes to the neck.
Receive a FREE Special Report on what Digital Motion X-Ray can do for you and how you can truly benefit from it!
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